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WVC Purchasing Guidelines

How to Buy - Getting Started


Buying Limits

State of Washington and Federal purchasing 规则要求超过直接购买限制的购买必须经过竞争性招标 在没有合同、资金来源授权或唯一来源证明的情况下. 采购事务处的承包专业人员负责发出竞争性的 solicitations.

直接购买限制不适用于目录订单,但适用于非目录订单。 BPO, and non-po invoice even when using a contract.

招标过程是由购买的美元金额决定的,包括 shipping & handling, and excludes tax, and the commodity type.

For goods and services:

$29,999 and under

Direct Buy Limit

部门可以向第三方供应商下订单,而无需事先批准 Procurement Services Contracting Team.

Note: This is a Level 1 limit. If the purchase is made from a small business as defined by RCW 39.26.010(22); or from a certified veteran-owned business, the limit is $40,000, and is defined as Level 2.

These new limits are in effect until March 2025.

Between $30,000 and $99,999

Informal Competition

采购部将与各部门合作,发出非正式的招标 to qualified suppliers. 回复可通过电话或书面形式(电子邮件、 传真,或美国邮政),这取决于WVC买家的指示. If the solicitation is not advertised via Washington Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS), (注意-保存这个链接中出现的文件,或者内部链接中的文件 not work). WVC采购部门必须包括至少一个少数民族和一个妇女拥有的企业 由国家少数民族和妇女企业办公室(OMWBE)认证 the solicitation process. (RCW 28B.10.029(c)(iii)

Over $100,000

Formal Competition

采购服务合同小组将发出书面征求和广告 via Washington Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS)  (注意-保存这个链接中出现的文件,或者内部链接中的文件 not work). Formal receipt process is required.

Contact a Procurement Services buyer for assistance.

Contract Review and Approval Flow


Purchasing Options:

  • Competitive Solicitation: 向投标的供应商寻求建议、报价或信息的过程 competitively.
  • Sole Source: Requires justification.
  • Blanket Purchase Order
  • PCard: Small dollar purchases, one-time purchases
  • 补助金资助的供应商选择:如果采购是由补助金资助的(联邦或 非联邦),并且你的供应商在该资助中有明确的名字.
  • Check WVC Surplus 对于以前使用过的物品,可以节省相当多的费用.

Important: 如果您对即将到来的购买有疑问或需要帮助,请联系 the Purchasing Department and get them involved early -

Additional Information: Capital Assets and Inventory Control Policy

  • 请通知设施任何超过$5,000的购买用于资本资产跟踪
  • All technology purchases must be verified with IT prior to purchasing; please contact Shea Morgan in IT.
  • 所有的商品和服务必须购买和交付到皇冠8868会员登录谷学院 for receiving.


Department of Enterprise Services - Current Contracts:

Master Contracts | Department of Enterprise Services (



NASPO ValuePoint:

Participant Results - NASPO ValuePoint

NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance):

SourceWell Contracts:
Omnia Cooperative Purchasing for Higher Education:

Higher Education Procurement | OMNIA Partners


WIPHE - Home (

KCDA Procurement Services:


Responsible Purchasing


作为华盛顿州的雇员,WVC的教职员工必须遵循 所有关于道德和利益冲突的州法律法规.

State law is found primarily in RCW 42.52,并为国家官员制定了强有力的道德原则和价值观 and employees. In part, that statement provides:

  • 国家官员和政府雇员持有公共信托,这使他们有义务, 以一种特殊的方式,以诚实和正直来履行其中的责任 they are elected and appointed.
  • 在这种信任中,最重要的原则是,公职人员——无论是选举产生的还是任命的——都可以 not be used for personal gain or private advantage. (RCW 42.52.900)
Supplier Diversity

采购服务部致力于确保少数族裔、女性、小型、 弱势群体,枢纽区,退伍军人和服务残疾退伍军人拥有的企业 有最大可能的机会参与采购和承包 at Wenatchee Valley College. We strive to increase the depth and diversity of our 供应商池通过促进公平和开放进入商界.

Green Procurement

采购服务促进环境优先采购(EPP)的定义 国家教育采购协会,这意味着环境和 社交方面的考虑“与价格、可获得性和安全性同等重要” 学院和大学用来做采购决策的绩效标准." 学院采购人员利用现有的供应商关系来提高知名度 的购买考虑,以减少我们对环境的影响和 to maximize resource efficiency.

Please contact the College’s Purchasing Team (,如果你知道新的环保产品,或对环保产品有疑问 our program.

Direct Buy Limit:

由州法律规定的金额限制,在此限制下可以进行无担保的购买 competitive pricing (当前企业采购政策|企业服务部(wa).gov), RCW 39.26.125).  部门可以向供应商下订单 未经采购服务部门批准的直接购买限制. When the ultimate 部门为一项服务或购买一项产品所花费的总成本 12个月期间将超过直接购买限制,联系采购服务 guidance. 自2013年1月1日起,直接购买限额设定为10,000美元,不包括 sales tax. NOTE: Orders must not be split to avoid competition. For example, if a 该部门打算以每件2000美元的价格购买20件相同的物品 总额将超过直接购买限制,除非该部门使用学院批准的 合同,采购服务应咨询有关适当的购买 method. 一些例外情况可能适用于购买某些项目和订单方式.